
Thursday, December 20, 2007

- YOU DON'T GET Any Closer Than This...

YOU DON'T GET any closer to bustin your ass than this............

Contributer says : " The tail strike occurred during at a 1990 airshow in Harrison, Arkansas.

Kelly, who was a technician for the FAA and somewhat of a camera buff, was tracking this guy flying a MiG-15 with his camera.

The pilot had just completed a loop and misjudged his pull-out.

Everyone considering themselves as potential victims, took-off running in all directions. But Kelly had a non-threatening position with strong motivation to take the picture.

So just as the MiG scraped the ground, Kelly captured this rare image.

Had it been circulated at the time, this clear, once in a lifetime photograph might have earned an award.

A few weeks later, in Fort Smith, Kelly was showing me these pictures he had developed at a local Walmart. I asked him for a copy and now have it hanging on my office wall ...a clear depiction of the tiny difference between life and death.

Oh, by the way... the guy just flew a wide circle, lowered his landing gear, touched down then taxied in showing very minor damage."

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